The purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, anagrams and logic puzles (Nonogram, Sudoku, etc.). Cross+A provides very flexible and powerful search tools. User can search English words by known letters and descriptions as well as find anagrams and word-combinations. The program uses a dictionary of 159000 English words with descriptions. Cross+A contains the list of English proverbs and sayings.

Publisher Description

Window 10 CompatibleThe purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, anagrams, cryptarithms and logic puzzles (Nonogram, Sudoku, Kakuro, Hitori, Slitherlink, Link-a-Pix, Fill-a-Pix, Battleship, Hashiwokakero, Masyu, Light Up, Fillomino, Futoshiki, Kuromasu, Nurikabe, Tents, KenKen, Hidato, Numbrix, Shikaku, Galaxies, Skyscrapers, Hakyuu, Grand Tour, Easy as ABC, Clouds, Yajilin, Minesweeper, Heyawake, Tenner Grid, Hundred, Arrows, Str8ts, Linesweeper, Binairo, Walls, Dominosa, Patchwork, Knossos, Rekuto, Neighbours, Four Winds, Shakashaka, Kakurasu, Mochikoro, Seethrough, Lighthouses, Tapa, Fobidoshi, Island, Dominion, Tren, No Four in a Row, Corral, Foseruzu, Sutoreto, Renban, Buraitoraito, Illustration, Number Blocks, Trinudo, Creek, Gappy, Norinori, Yonmasu, Bricks, Number Chain, Settokapetto, Renkatsu, Eulero, Anraikumozaiku, Kurotto, Tasukuea, Star Battle, Araf, Kabingurodo, Thermometers, Snake, Peintoeria). Cross+A provides very flexible and powerful search tools. User can search English words by known letters and descriptions as well as find anagrams and word-combinations. The program uses a dictionary of 159000 English words (part of them - with descriptions). User can add new words, delete and change descriptions or copy them to the clipboard. Program has a nonogram editor for the puzzle creating. Cross+A contains the list of English proverbs and sayings (the lists of French, German, Italian and Spanish proverbs are available for downloading).

Download and use it now: Cross+A

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